

Blockchain project for the internationalization of companies: the deadline for submitting applications expires on 31 July 2022.

  • 30/05/2022

The "Blockchain project for internationalization for companies" addressed to SMEs of the agri-food and textile sectors is available on the ICE website (the Agency for the Abroad Promotion and Internationalization of Italian Companies). The ambitious free project aims to implement the blockchain in the agri-food and textile supply chain of the participating companies. Companies will be admitted to the Project if they will provide evidences of producing brands associated with Italianness (pursuant to Article 60 CDU-Union Customs Code), if they are duly registered with the Chamber of Commerce as Italian companies in the agri-food sector and in the textile / clothing sector (fashion system) for at least 3 years and who have registered in the last 3 years, a turnover in international markets equal to at least 20% of the total turnover.


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