

Pairwise comparison: the numerical mark given by the Jury does not need to be justified

  • 04/12/2017

The TAR Veneto, with Judgment no. 973 of 31st October 2017, has established the so-called “principle of self-sufficiency” of the numerical mark expressed by a Jury, when a public contract has to be awarded through the so-called “pairwise comparison”.

According to that evaluation method, the tenders of all participants are compared between them, two by two. For any couple of tenders, a member of the Jury awards the one he prefers a numerical mark, which is higher (or lower) depending on the (higher or lower) degree of preference of that tender in comparison with the other.

Given that this method is characterized by its conciseness, it is not necessary that any member of the Jury provides a thorough motivation of the reasons why he has awarded that mark. Indeed, the numerical score is suitable enough to justify the outcome of a procurement procedure.


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