

EU capital market: new agreement on reviving securitisation market

  • 05/06/2017

Last Tuesday, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission agreed on a package that sets out criteria for simple, transparent and standardised securitization (STS).

Securitisation is the process where a financial instrument is created, typically by a lender such as a bank, by pooling assets for investors to purchase.

The target is to facilitate access to a greater range of investors, thereby increasing liquidity and freeing up capital from the banks for new lending. STS securitisations should also provide new investment opportunities for institutional investors such as pension funds and insurance companies.

The deal will be followed by further technical talks to finalise the text and is part of the project to build a single market for capital in the EU. The package is expected to unlock up to EUR 150 billion of additional funding to the real economy.


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